Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Snow

After Josh died a snowstorm descended.

The bitter, cold weather seemed to manifest how trapped and lonely I felt.

It hurt to go outside… it hurt to stay indoors.

A month later all the snow is gone except a miniature glacier that rapidly dissolves in the march to spring.

The shock of my best friend’s absence fades like that patch of ice.

But the cold remains


  1. For someone who was having a hard time saying something eloquent about Josh previously, you sure seem to have pulled it off with this post Swine. Having been thinking of him for the past couple of hours, this brought me to tears. I don't know that i ever said it to you, but i'm so terribly sorry for your loss in all this.

  2. Dear Swinebread,
    I miss you. I am so moved by your memoir for Josh... I found lots of photos from our UP days I'd like to share, but I am not sure how?

  3. I've been lurking and reading everyday. Thanks for sharing, and for all the other friends & family of Josh who share their thoughts as well...

    Like another poster said, "Josh is still bringing people together"..

  4. MU - thanks I wasn't intending to write a poem, it just came out that way.
    and let say the same for you. I'm Sorry Josh is gone. I know you meant a lot to each other... we'll miss him very much.

    Elray - It would be great for you to post them here. I'll send you an invite to join the blog. Everyone would love to here your stories about Josh.

    LB - it is so true...

  5. SB-

    Any chance you would invite me as well?

