Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Some Photos from Josh's Slideshow

These are some of the images I submitted to remember Josh.

Here is part of the cast of from the 5th of July which we did at U of P. The play takes place in 1977 so we had to get our hair cut and styled accordingly. This snapshot was taken right after the haircut session. The thing we are all touching in the middle is a ball of our our cut off hair.

Another shot of Josh after he got his 5th of July haircut. I believe that this is from 1993.

Josh liked to wear all sorts of funny hats and here he is in October 1996 sporting a Cat in the Hat.

Here is Josh as Eilif in Mother Courage From I think 1992. Mother courage was played by Trish Egan. I played his brother Swiss Cheese.

Josh played the main character (middle) in the Actor's Nightmare. One of the most fun an creative shows I was in with Josh while at University of Portland.

Overdroid wrote and directed a fun little superhero show called The Adventures of Amyman and the Amazing Men in 1992 for his senior project. Josh played Gilbert, the lone sidekick for all three heroes. This was a really hilarious show and Josh put Amyman on his acting resume for years. I have video of this someplace and will eventually post it.


1 comment:

  1. DANG! Josh! this truly saddens me. . . I am also saddened for selfish reason. since college I had lost touch with Josh and all the UP drama twinkies. .and that is sad if you think about it. . I remember lots of fun times there,in and out of the drama dept. . . I'd love to be in touch, and It deeply hurts to know Josh is gone, I miss him severely!

    SO who is this swinebread? I'm Dave.. from UP. . get back to me!
